Tax Planning
Designed to discover all the information that would be critical to saving you the most money. Our income tax planning analysis enables us to use varying assumptions to obtain the most beneficial tax results.

Tax Preparation
Tax preparation services that are directed primarily toward constructive tax planning beginning early in the year and maintaining close contact with our clients throughout the year.

Tax Audit Representation
We represent taxpayers before the collections and examination divisions of the IRS and state tax agencies. It’s wise to engage an experienced CPA firm when you receive a notice because many IRS notices are incorrect.

Entity Structure
Our goal is to help you select the right structure and then realize the tax savings and operational benefits each year going forward. We will work with you considering both corporate and individual tax consequences.
Our Proactive Tax Services:
State and Federal tax regulation has become an ever-shifting mine field that requires constant attention. We understand that you need proactive guidance and timely answers. Our tax services do just that. Our tax services focus on making sure that we have a full understanding of your occupation, trade and business operations so that we take full advantage of special tax breaks such as the Domestic Production Activity Deduction, the R & D tax credit and others.
Tax rates and enforcement actions continue to increase as both Federal and State governments search for revenue. This requires added diligence when searching for tax saving strategies which many times, adds complexity. We will help you analyze options and present both the benefits and the costs of new strategies. As enforcement actions increase, so does the need for an experienced guide to help you through the examination process. We know your rights and can help keep the tax examination focused and moving.
One of the best ways to avoid an IRS or State audit is to have a competently prepared tax return. Tax returns that contain obvious errors, extraneous or inconsistent information are much more likely to be selected for audit. Our services focus on planning that is done prior to year-end. That’s when it’s most profitable and effective. After December 31, all transactions are history and the tax consequences are set. If you are anticipating a significant transaction like selling a business or a real estate investment, tax planning must be completed early in the process.